Benefits of Asphalt Paving

  • Safe. Asphalt Paving creates the smoothest surface for driving. …
  • Cost-effective. Smooth roads aren’t just safer, they also save money. …
  • Energy efficient. …
  • Traveler- and business-friendly. …
  • Environmentally friendly

The world’s most recycled material is asphalt. A report from the Federal Highway Administration shows that 80 percent of the asphalt pavement that’s removed each year during widening and resurfacing projects is reused. In 1970, when Earth Day started, asphalt recycling was not widely practiced. In the 1970s, asphalt pavement recycling was developed as a necessity during the oil embargo. Recycling proved to offer so many advantages, both economically and environmentally, that today as we celebrate Earth Day, it’s become an everyday business practice in the asphalt industry.