Chip & Seal/Tar and Chip (Chip-Seal) are the same type of pavement that go by several different names.  It’s a pavement surface treatment that combines one or more layers of asphalt followed by one or more layers of fine aggregate. Chip-seals are typically used on rural roads carrying lower traffic volumes. Sub-division roads and ranch roads often use chip-seal because it’s half the cost of asphalt.






Benefits of Chip and Seal/Tar and Chip:

*Cost-effective asphalt surface

*Covers large amounts for half the cost of paved asphalt

*Provides a clean natural landscape look

*A variety of rock color is available

*Long-lasting driveway alternative

*Eliminates the need for seal-coating and crack-fill

Construction Procedure:

  • the road surface is properly cleaned of debris and holes are filled
  • commercial road-base is applied in an adequate layer
  • hot liquid asphalt is evenly sprayed over the road-base
  • a chip spreader applies a layer of small aggregate and is rolled
  • a second coat of hot liquid asphalt is applied
  • a second layer of chips are applied and rolled

Chip and Seal/Tar and Chip are usually used on ranch roads because they are cost-effective and cover large amount of ground at a lower cost than asphalt or concrete. Furthermore, other customers like the natural look of Chip and Seal/Tar and Chip. Chip-Seal’s preserve the  natural landscape, while allowing you to have a clean pavement surface. In addition, we provide a variety of colored rock to choose from, such as Crushed Granite (reddish stone), 3/4 Washed Rock (white stone), slate grayish stone rock, and other rock choice upon request. Clearly,  Chip-Seal driveways are lighter in color, they don’t absorb as much heat as asphalt. This helps during the long hot summer months. 
Chip and Seal/Tar and Chip Options: Some customers like to add several different pavement elements to their driveway. Such as concrete ribbon-curbs with Chip and Seal as the main driveway material. The photo below is a driveway with concrete ribbon curbs and Crushed Granite. Furthermore, for longer driveways, we recommend asphalt around the home, and a Chip and Seal driveway leading up to the home. Moreover, mixing pavement elements can be a cost-effective way to get the most pavement for your money.